Although Public Education is seen to be free, the government funds do not allow the school to purchase additional resources beyond that which is essential. It is for this reason we ask that you pay a small contribution towards your child’s education. This will allow the school to supplement our expenditure in the curriculum learning areas.
This year our focus is to continue to supply additional library resources and reading books for class use and as home readers, additional resources for practical mathematics activities, art resources and science consumables. It would be appreciated if you could pay your contribution as soon as possible.
Contributions remain at $60.00 for Kindy to Year 6 students. These contributions equate to $1.50 a week for Kindy students (approx. 60 cents a day) and $1.50 a week for students in Pre Primary to Year 6 (approx. 30 cents a day).
Payment Options:
- Internet Banking: BSB: 016 010 ACCOUNT No: 3928 54418 (Description: eg Student name and VC)
- By Telephone using credit card on 9553 0800
- In Person during office hours